Thursday, June 29, 2006

Sidekick III

Sidekick III
Originally uploaded by weezienyc.

I just got it today! It actually hits the street July 10th, but two T-mobile stores are selling it to existing customers early and one of them happens to be in NYC. So far I've not been able to do more than watch it charge. Therefore I can't say if I'm 100% in love with it or not. But, off the bat there are some pros and cons

1. bluetooth enabled (bought that too...a pink one)
2. much better camera
3. added music library
4. ms pacman ringtones
5. lighter & thinner
6. removable battery

1. lost all voicemails and text messages when I swapped the SIM card (probably for the best that some of those messages are gone)
2. my downloads didn't transfer to the device which means i have to re-install EVERYTHING over again...even the stuff I paid for.

I'll have more to discuss tomorrow or later on...along with that adult camp update.


After spending some time with my newest toy, I've decided I'm only slightly impressed. The thinner, lightness factor of the new design is super important for fitting into small handbags. But it hardly makes up for the wow factor that is 100% lacking.

Number One Complaint = Not only did I lose all of the ringtones and games when I made the switch, most of the super cool ones aren't available. Plus, all of the free ringtones that were halfway decent in the last version are now only available for purchase, leaving me with about 17 crappy sound FX for free...makes me feel like i downgraded versus upgraded.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Hot List - Week of June 19

It was a pretty low-key week...not much trouble to get into, but here goes:

Coming home from Saturday night when the sun was just starting to rise, SRJ’s graceful fall down the stairs at some club in W. Village, eating at SALT – one of my favorite NYC dinner spots, reliving Adult Camp (swear I’ll update tomorrow) through everyone’s flickr pages.

Realizing how white my legs really are after seeing Flying Oak’s flickr sets. Ouch…if it doesn’t stop raining in the city, I may have to hit the tanning bed…I'd rather run the risk of getting skin cancer than carrying the guilt of blinding innocent New Yorkers who may not be wearing sun glasses when I’m wearing a skirt.

DENS’s birthday party was the spotlight of the week…not because it was THAT much fun. I mean it was REALLY fun, but I really enjoyed watching DENS bounce around from girl to girl. Who knew DENS had such a way with the ladies? I’d say 80% of the attendees were girls and 80% of the girls in attendance were not in our circle of friends. In fact, I haven’t seen most of them before (not that I know everyone in his life). I’m not saying he’s been “friendly” with all of the girls I don’t know, but I did find it funny that EVERY SINGLE girl I met immediately asked me in that weird (have you hooked up with him) tone, “so how do YOU know DENS?” They dropped the icy tone when I answered, “he’s just a dude in my circle of friends.” I finally caught on that most of them were digging to see if I “KNEW” knew him. So, I started making things up when I was asked…and I was asked the same question in the same tone every time I met someone knew.

Crazy Work Story:
There isn’t anything crazy to speak of at the moment. The New Girl has been working for me for a month now and we are both super busy…which scares me because I used to be doing both of our jobs. No wonder I was working 15 hrs a day.

What I’m listening to:
The Futureheads new album. I tried to fall in love with newest by The Flaming Lips - not happening and I'm sorely disappointed.

Friday, June 23, 2006

This is my meanest face...

Originally uploaded by SixFive.

...and me without make-up...scary, i know!

So, i don't remember this, but it seems like I'm really mad at Grellan. He is holding my water but I don't think that would justify me giving him the meanest look ever!

Ok - I know I promised an Adult Camp week for sure.

ps - i think this photo was taken between 3:00 & 4:00 AM. not an excuse for how gross i look, but I felt the need to clarify.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Originally uploaded by Moto Pony.

I pulled this from Su's flickr page. It looks like Grellan and I are having a super serious conversation. But serious conversations don't happen at Adult Camp...or between me and Grellan...ever!

By the Way - the Adult Camp update is coming tomorrow...I promise!

Where are they now?

A conversation with CAS at dinner last night led us down a path where no one should go. It all started with CAS complaining about her dating life. She looked at me and said, "I think I peaked too soon. I'm like the middle child from Full House that was really cute for awhile, but now she's a meth addict with nothing left but Christmas Cards from Bob Saget and Dave Coulier. John Stamos doesn't even write anymore.”

This cracked us both up and led us to ponder what Jodie Sweetin’s (aka Stephanie) latest diary entry might look like. Here is what I can remember from our conversation:

Dear Diary,

It’s been so long since I’ve written, but I haven’t had the time to write. No, I haven’t been working...I can’t even find work. Between the Weight Watchers and the NA meetings, I can’t find the time to even meet with my agent about work. Oh wait, my agent dumped me years ago. I just don’t get it. Everyone else is successful. I mean Candace has a beautiful family and seems happy when I see her pictures in People. I’m sure it has something to do with Kirk finding Jesus and all of the blessings he’s now reaping are spilling over to her. And the Olsen twins…of course they’re successful. There are two of them AND they’re skinny. I’m just so depressed I can barely get up in the mornings. The only light in my life is seeing Andrea Barber (aka Kimmy Gibbler) in the unemployment line.


By the way, it should be noted that I hate Full House. I've always said my own personal hell would be a place where only Full House played 24/7 on the TV, the Goo Goo Dolls were the only band on the radio, and there were no shoes, iPods, or Internet access.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Meet my new babies...

Kewana &

Aren't they beautiful and perfect and sweet? I picked them up yesterday at the Rafe sample sale. So, not only do i now own two of the most delightful handbags in the city, I only paid $275 for both of them.

Today is one of those days when I really love the perks that come with living in New York! It made me forget about the fact that just this morning I'd decided that New York might be a bad influence on me...seeming as I called someone a jack-ass before 8:00 AM and got into a shoving match with a short girl who pushed me while getting on the F Train. I guess the perks of living here outweigh the city's ability to slowly suck away my southern charm.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Originally uploaded by sarahmcsimmons.

It's rare that you meet someone and become instant friends...but it happened to me while I was away...twice in one day. This is Rockelle. We met April 26th in a boring roundtable discussion at a conference, on April 27th we became best of friends, on April 28th we hung out all day and found ourselves asking how we'd survived so long without each other. She's one of the main reasons why summer in the city has been way too much fun thus far and has agreed to be my partner in crime for troublemaking. I've been needing a good partner in crime, so it all works out perfectly...except for one fatal flaw.

Flaw = Rockelle is convinced that she's moving to San Fran this fall. Now San Fran is great - one of my favorite cities. But it is missing one important thing - yours truly. So, I'm going to need a plan for keeping her here. She seems pretty serious about moving and since I'm serious about keeping her here, I'm going to need some help. I need to find her a man and a job in NYC and she'll be sure to stick around. She prefers tall, dark, good looking men and is interested in Internet Marketing positions. If anyone knows about the availability of either, shoot me a message at

Thanks in advance!

Weezie is back

I honestly can’t believe March was the last time I posted. Things have been nuts over the last few months and I’ve been dying to write, but I couldn’t find the time or the energy. Life has definitely kept me on my toes. So, with that being said, I’ll recap April, May, and June (so far) with the Hot-List. Please note items marked with * need (and will receive) further explanation. Here you go:

Rockelle*, finding my doppleganger*, The New Girl*, super fun weddings, my new shoes, Adult Camp*, summer in NYC, Mack* – the new puppy, my sister getting engaged, having the best friends ever.

Either/Or taking permanent residence on the “On Notice” list, work stress, the deaths of my dog, a dear friend I just saw and an old friend with whom I’d lost contact, too much traveling*, not having balance*

My debut karaoke performance of Gold-Digger after LAG’s wedding…it was amazing and caught on video!!!*

Crazy work story:
I guess the craziest thing that has happened at work is that I got in trouble for not spending enough time playing video games. I’m serious…I’ve got an email to prove it, but it is too ridic to even explain.

What I’m listening to:
Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins