Monday, April 30, 2007

Weezie is back in 07

OK – so it has been almost 8 months since my last post. Needless to say, I’ve been swamped with work and travel and work. But now I am back above water and only have 12 more work days left until I am free for two and a half months of summer fun.

This is the big news. I quit my job and am not starting my new gig until the fall. So this leaves me with two and a half months of doing whatever I want (except the occasional trips to the bay area for VC meetings for the new gig).

So look forward to regular posts documenting the trouble I’m bound to find with such a large amount of free time on my hands. In the meantime, here is the Hotlist from the past 8 months!

Turning 30 – really fun party with my really great friends, Sundance – 11 days in Park City spent eating, drinking, skiing, and oh yeah – watching movies, a trip to Palm Desert with 80 degree weather while it was snowing in NYC, another trip to Utah for the last bit of snow, quitting my job, BP moving back to NYC, ending my six month travel stint.

Six months of constant traveling, working through the most painful of holiday seasons, Rockelle moving to SF. (short list of lowlights = very good thing)

Catching SNL a few weeks back with Lil’ Cuz, Court, and Chelsa! It was awesome.

Originally uploaded by weezienyc.

Crazy Work Story
There has been so much crazy stuff going around at work that I don’t even know where to begin. And since I’m not going to be working, I’m dropping this section off the hotlist.

What I’m listening to
The question really is, what am I not listening to? There is so much great music on my iPod right now that I’m having a really hard time deciding what to listen to. But if I had to guess, I’d say that the new Bright Eyes Album, Cassadaga, is getting a lot of attention because it just came out. But the Cold War Kids and Snow Patrol Albums are getting their fair share of play time. Ohh – and The Shins latest album, Wincing the Night Away, is totally awesome.