Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's been a while...

Big Aaron - Little Me!
Originally uploaded by weezienyc
...but I've been busy. Last week I balanced boys, work, friends, work, family, and work.

Now I'm out in California for the DEMOfall show. We launched RelevantMind (our company) yesterday and this morning my partner and I presented our product to a group of 700 entrepreneurs. Our demo went REALLY well and we spent the rest of the day talking to VCs and the press.

The last few weeks of script re-writes and press interviews have paid off as we've been included in at least 30 articles and/or blog posts (we've posted links to some). It's been a great two days and I'm looking forward to tomorrow...although I'm totally exhausted.

This trip has been great for our company and has made me feel much better about the future of our business and confident that it was worth six months without an income.

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